Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences | i3L - CYS Life Sciences Competition - Yogyakarta

i3L Life Sciences Competition is a competition for young scientists within the age range of 13-19 years old to present their research.

This Competition is a collaboration event of i3L and Center for Young Scientists (CYS). The purpose of this competition is to find students with excellent research presentations of junior high school/madrasah tsanawiyah, high school/madrasah aliyah, and vocational school students from Yogyakarta.

The i3L Life Sciences competition winners will be included to compete in the Lomba Peneliti Belia Nasional 2018. It will be a selection process of Indonesia team for the international level competitions, which are the ICYS (International Conference of Young Scientists) and APCYS (Asia-Pacific Conference of Young Scientists). In 2019, the  ICYS will be held in Malaysia and the APCYS will be held in Rusia.

  • The research should be on the following field of study: Life Sciences, Environment Sciences, Mathematics & Computer Sciences, and Physics